
.: Thank You :.

when i'm lonely ,,,
coz she went to home ,, in Bekasi ,,

and i just want to figured out of my talent in create a song and sing it ,,,
i finally made one song just only 4 her,,,
actually a lot of song that i've been created but mostly minor song ,, i dont know why i created a sad song ,,, but now she's inspires me created a happy song,,and i just want to express my feeling to her with this song ,,, thats called Thank You


Suicidal Dream

I dream about, how its going to end,
Approaching me quickly,
Leaving a life of fear,
I only want my mind to be clear,
People, making fun of me,
For no reason but jealousy,
I fantasise about my death,
Ill kill myself from holding my breath,

My suicidal dream,
Voices telling me what to do,
My suicidal dream,
Im sure you will get yours too,

Help me, comfort me,
Stop me from feeling what Im feeling now,
The rope is here,
Now Ill find a use,
Ill kill myself,
Ill put my head in a noose,

My suicidal dream,
Voices telling me what to do,
My suicidal dream,
Im sure you will get yours too,

Dreamin about my death, dream,
Suicidal, suicidal, suicidal dream,
Im suicidal,
Suicidal dream,

Silverchair - Suicidal Dream



deg ,,, deg ,,, deg,,,
tiba - tiba jantungku mo copot ,,, dah lama g ngerasa kaya gini ,
kirain g akan ngerasain lagi eh,,, taunya berulang ,,

pengen nangis sekencang2nya ntar ama yg denger disangka cengeng,,,
pengen teriak sekeras2nya ntar ama yg denger disangka ngajak berantem ,,,
makan,,, g nafsu!!
pengen tidur ,,, kepikiran trus,,,,

haaaah,,, rasa cintaku terlalu besar untuknya ,,, mengalahkan semua rasa-rasa yang lain,,, *ky nano-nano aja lu rif ...


i love u my dear ...
i love u my wife (soon)
i love u ...



Akhirnya setelah 5 bulan kita saling mengenal ,,, kata-kata lamaran itu terucap juga pada orang tuanya ...
Mungkin ini bisa dikategorikan lamaran paling asyik sepangjang masa n bisa masuk ke Rekor MURI *lebaaaay ,,,
Saya ceritakan saja pengalaman 2 hari kemaren yang bener-bener bikin excited banget,bikin hubungan dia ma saya bener-bener nyata...